Monday, December 08, 2008

Management Tip: Quit Working For Your Boss

by: Daryl Cowie

As a manager do you know who you really work for? I don't mean the person who signs your paycheck or does your annual review. I mean day by day, hour by hour, who are you working for?

If you say it's your customers, that's great you've been paying attention in marketing class. Ultimately everyone is working for the customer, but is that really who you work for on a daily basis? Do you personally take their orders? Do you personally answer the support calls? Do you get in the truck and drive your product over to the customer to help them unload and get it ready to use? If you are a manager I truly hope this is not what you come to work to do. These are the things your team is there to do. You may need to pitch in from time to time, but that's not what managers are primarily there to do.

If you say it's your supervisor, well I'm sure they will be happy to hear that. Your supervisor should be the one to define your purpose in the organization and help give you direction. So you could say the work you do on a daily or hourly basis is work for your supervisor. But is that really who you spend the bulk of your time trying to help? I hope not.

Let's look at the activities good managers spend their time on. Employee development, process optimization, cost control. You make sure your people know what needs to be done and are working on the right things. You make sure your people have the tools they need to get the job done effectively and efficiently. You make sure your people get to work in a safe and respectful environment. You make sure your people get the training they need to be effective and advance. You look for ways to make your team as effective as possible. You help your people become the best they can be. You help your team become the best it can be. The bulk of the work you do (or should be doing) is for your team. You work for your team.

So as a manager forget the idea that everyone is working for you. That thinking leads you down the path to ego and conflict. Your team is working to get things done for the customer. You, as their manager, are working for your team to get them everything they need to be effective in serving your customers. The best, most highly-valued managers alive are the ones out there working for their teams and giving them everything they need to succeed.

The more people you manage, the more people you are working for, not the other way around. A bigger team doesn't take away your work, it increases it.

So the next time you draw your team organization chart, flip it upside down with your CEO at the bottom, you somewhere in the middle, and the people who actually come in contact with the customer on a daily or hourly basis at the top where they belong. The goal of a great manager is to create the best team of people at the top of this upside down pyramid serving the customer.

About The Author

Daryl Cowie has shared management tips with 1000s of people in over 30 countries around the world. His mission is to help you and your company turn business opportunities into business realities. Sign up for his free business management home study course at

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Friday, December 05, 2008

Customer Service Management Tips - Part 2

by: Daryl Cowie

In part 1 we discussed the importance of Post-Sale Customer Support teams in retaining repeat customers, and why this is so important. Now let's look at some practical customer service management tips to help you get the job done.

What Is the Role of Customer Support

The customer support team needs to ensure customers are happy by representing the customer's interests inside the business at time when no one else is motivated to do so.

The customer support team, along with the sales team, represents the customer's interests inside the company. The sales team does it to get new customers. The support team does it to keep existing customers.

The major challenge that customer support teams face within most organizations is that it is hard to tie specific support activity to a specific amount of revenue dollars. There is always a temptation to ignore your existing customers, because they probably won't leave right away. There is always a temptation to ignore any customer that doesn't have an open order because as a business you need to raise enough money to pay your bills and your employees in order to stay in business.

What Can Support Team Managers Do?

As a Customer Support manager, there are a few things you can do to help your cause.

Recognize that fundamentally the Customer Support team is there to ensure repeat orders. Know the repeat order potential of each customer and factor that into the time, money and priority you give any given customer. Very often a small number of customers take up a large percentage of the customer support time and budget. Make sure you are not neglecting the high potential customers because you are busy serving the needs of needy customers with lower potential. I know we like to help everyone, but let's face it you make priority decisions every day on which issues to handle first. Many customer support teams have no idea what the repeat order potential of any given customer is. Make sure you know, and make sure that repeat order potential is at least as big a factor in your decisions as how loud the customer is. Tying action to financials will get the attention and support of upper management.

Get to know the Sales team. In most organizations the sales teams are much more influential than the support teams, it's just a fact of life. The sales teams are also the people inside the company who benefit the most from good customer support. They get the credit and the commission checks for repeat orders. Let the sales team know when their high potential customers are having issues, and when you are not getting the support you need to help them. You can be guaranteed that a commissioned sales rep will not sit idly by and risk losing a repeat customer. Keep the sales team in the loop. When things go well, tell them. It's a great opportunity for them to go in and make their next pitch. When problems are brewing, tell them that too so they can avoid walking into the lion's den with a new sales pitch, and instead make a timely service call to show they care and offer assistance. The sales team is motivated, influential, and has the most to lose from poor customer service. You already have the power to help them; use it to help them help you.

Look for ways to actively help your customers use the products or services they buy from you. Don't just wait for complaints and repair calls to come in. Think of ways that you could help your customer's use your products. Think about this. If you can help a customer use something he or she has already purchased, they will be much more likely to come back a second time. If you can help a customer use up something he or she has already purchased then they will need to come back and replenish their stock. Remember that customer support is there to help the customer use the product or service. Why do you think craft stores sponsor craft fairs? Because it helps people use up their craft supplies, and it also makes them happy. If you can help them use it up, or consume it, then you can rightly claim that you have helped the customer and increased revenue for the business when their frequency of buying increases. Be creative.


Fundamentally the role of customer support is to ensure repeat sales. Post-sale customer support teams are a critical cog in the business cycle. They should be respected. They should be in constant communication with the sales team. They should be actively looking for ways to help the customer use the products or services they have purchased.

As a customer service manager one of the best things you can do for your team is to learn to tie their actions to the business financials. That's how decisions are made at the top.

About The Author

Daryl Cowie has shared management tips with 1000s of people in over 30 countries around the world. His mission is to help you and your company turn business opportunities into business realities. Sign up for his free business management home study course at

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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Customer Service Management Tips - Part 1

by: Daryl Cowie

Customer support teams are perhaps the most misunderstood, and underappreciated teams in the business world. In many businesses the customer support staff talks to the customers more than every other team combined. They play a critical role in ensuring customers are satisfied. Satisfied customers are repeat customers. Everybody knows that a large percentage of business comes from repeat customers. And yet customer support teams are commonly staffed with junior, inexperienced people that don't have the authority to make any decisions, or the training and knowledge to answer difficult questions. What's the deal?

What is Customer Support?

First, let's clarify what I mean by "Customer Support", because different companies use this term in wildly different ways. I am talking about the team that takes care of the customer after the contract has been signed and the initial invoice has been paid. You may work in a company where a customer service team handles the transaction from order to invoice. You may have been taught that customer service starts when the customer walks in the door, and doesn't end until the customer dies or decides not to be a customer any more. These are fine concepts, but what I am talking about here is the role of taking care of the customers' needs after the invoice has been paid, and before they have expressed a specific interest in buying again. I refer to this as Post-Sale Customer Support to differentiate it from other definitions.

What's So Important About Post-Sale Customer Support?

As a customer, up until the time that the invoice is paid you always hold the trump card of being able to withhold payment if you are not satisfied. And everybody understands that money talks. After the invoice has been paid you can often be left feeling powerless. The delivery team has collected their money and been assigned a full load of new customer transactions to look after. The sales team is being pressured to focus on customers who have already expressed a specific interest in making a purchase to meet monthly sales targets. So who takes care of you now?

This is where customer support comes in. There is a general feeling within most companies that they need to provide some sort of post-sale customer support, but there is a poor understanding of why. The sales team brings in the customers – which equals the promise of money. The orders team works out the details – which equals the promise of money. The delivery team provides the solution – which equals the collection of actual money. The customer support team ensures the customer is able to use the solution – which equals what? Happiness and karma? Let's face it; shareholders can't trade in their karma for a retirement home. Companies want money.

Here's what people are missing. In a healthy business between 25 and 75 percent of all revenues should come from repeat customers. 25% to 50% is considered typical for a healthy retail outlet, and 75% repeat business would be the top end for a healthy service business. Retail outlets with less than 25% repeat business are probably not meeting their customer needs or more of them would be coming back. Service businesses with more than 75% repeat sales are probably losing their skills at generating new customers and run the risk of severe financial problems if they lose 1 or 2 major accounts. Any way you look at it, a very large part of your business should be coming from repeat customers.

The other factor you need to look at is that the cost of getting a new customer is much higher than the cost of keeping a customer that you already have. Marketing and advertising are expensive business.

Smart businesses invest in retaining customers. That's what customer support is all about. There is no better time to ensure repeat business than when your customers are feeling that they have no leverage. That is exactly when they appreciate your support the most, and will remember it as something that makes them want to come back.

In part 2 of this series we'll look at some practical management tips for customer service managers to get the business behind your team and your customers.

About The Author

Daryl Cowie has shared management tips with 1000s of people in over 30 countries around the world. His mission is to help you and your company turn business opportunities into business realities. Sign up for his free business management home study course at
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Friday, November 28, 2008

The Unsuccessful Habits of Hard Working People

by: Daryl Cowie

We've all heard the phrase work smarter, not harder. It's one of those motivational statements that once held a great message, but now days is more often used to mean "You're taking too long. Quit complaining and get it done". In many ways these messages are not that different, but they hold two very different sentiments.

The truth is, many of us need to work smarter instead of harder, but we don't really know how to get from where we are to where we need to be. I was brought up believing that hard work is the key to success and fulfillment. Work harder than anyone else and you'll get recognition for it. While this is true in many ways, this philosophy can also severely restrict the level of success you achieve.

While working hard truly is a virtue, it also has some basic failings. First of all the hard work principle lends itself to measuring how hard, or long you work instead of what you are getting done. Many hard workers feel they are entitled to rewards as long as they put in long hours or carry heavy loads. It can lead to resentment of people who have figured out how to work shorter hours for larger rewards. Instead of admiring them, you see them as lazy and undeserving. Hard workers are often frustrated by the efforts of people around them that they feel are not making the same contribution, or reaching the same level of productivity as they are. What the "hard working" crowd is missing is that every employee is hired to get a result, not to fill an empty space.

Look at it this way. Pretend for a moment that you were doing the hiring and paying the bill. Would you rather pay a hard working man with an axe for 2 months to clear your land of trees, or pay a lazy dude with a chainsaw who can do it in one month? What I'd really like is a hard working man with a chainsaw, but given the choices I'll take the man who made the smart tool choice over the one who works hard. Why? Bottom line, it gets the job done faster and cheaper, which is what I really want.

The second failing of the hard working philosophy is a tendency to want to jump into action without a well thought out plan. Let’s get moving! The problem with this is that the devil is in the details. I have seen many hastily laid plans leap into instant action and gain immediate progress. I have seen just as many of these plans sitting in the trash bin after huge amounts of time and money have been invested in them because they didn't actually accomplish what the customer really wanted. By the time they figured they weren't going to meet the real requirements they had too much invested in the hastily chosen direction to make the required corrections. A common companion of these discarded plans is the discarded manager who goes along with it. Action is critical, but first you must ensure your actions contribute to a plan that actually ends in the right results.

In both cases of these cases, the work hard philosophy is missing the main opportunity. A smart plan is better than a hard working plan every time. But we are taught to spring to action. Get to work. Get it started. The reality is that working hard without a plan is fruitless. Working hard at things no one cares about is simply not productive.

Making smart choices that contribute to the results that matter to other people is one of the keys to success. Solid up-front goals and objectives planning sessions are critical to your personal success and to the success of everything you endeavor to do. If you're a hard working person, learning to effectively recognize the goals and intelligently plan objectives and strategies to accomplish them is one of the best investments you can make in yourself.

My success management tip for hard workers: learn to plan smart first, and then work hard. This is the unbeatable combination.

About The Author

Daryl Cowie has shared management tips with 1000s of people in over 30 countries around the world. His mission is to help you and your company turn business opportunities into business realities. Sign up for his free business management home study course at
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

All You Need To Know About Pay Per Click Advertising

by: Derek Rogers

What is Pay Per Click Advertising?
It is just as it sounds. You place an advertisement, usually text or graphic, and you pay each time someone clicks that advertisement. Sounds simple enough right? Though simple, it is a very powerful form of advertising that in many cases makes more sense than other methods of advertisement. How does Pay Per Click Advertising work and why is it the best choice for your business? That is a good question, let's have a look.

Targeted Audience

With Pay Per Click advertising, also known as PPC, you have the ability to target your unique audience. Sure, you have other methods of advertisement that may target a portion of your customer base, but with PPC, you have a more defined method of targeting. You target your specific customer base with solid keywords. These keywords are crucial to your advertisement. If you operate a chocolate business, you might use keywords such as chocolate, chocolate candy, candy, gourmet chocolate, and the list could actually continue to grow.

However, what makes PPC so useful is that it incorporates these keywords to make it work for you. Your pay per click advertising will not show up until a user searches for your keyword terms. The next way that PPC works best for businesses is that it works well within your budget.

Costs and Budgets

The great thing about pay per click advertising is that it is designed to work within any budget. With many sites that promote PPC advertising, you have the ability to define just how much you are willing to pay. However, it is important to note that you will likely be in competition with other businesses, depending on your keyword. The more you pay per click the higher you will be on the search engine results; this is of course dependent upon your competitors and what they bid to pay as well.

As your pay per click campaign goes along, you will have the ability to monitor your campaign. If at any time you feel that your specific campaign is not working as well for your business as you had hoped, you can change it, add another, or delete the campaign as you see fit.

What makes pay per click advertising so appealing is that you are only charged when someone clicks on your advertisement, hence the name pay per click. With other advertising methods, you are charged when your advertisement is displayed or rotated. With PPC, you pay only when a potential customer clicks on the advertisement to visit your website. This is a great cost efficient method of advertisement.

Just Works Better

Pay per click advertising just works better because you know, if you have chosen the right keywords, that when someone clicks on your ad to visit your site, that they are doing so because they are truly interested in what you have to offer via their search terms. This means that each and every person that clicks on your advertisement is a targeted potential customer, which means more likelihood for a sale or membership.

About The Author

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents many UK businesses. For pay per click, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading specialists of pay per click services.
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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Where Can I Find A Good Pay Per Click Company

by: Derek Rogers

With the advent of internet marketing, there has been a rise in pay per click advertising. But after showing a booming prospect, pay per click advertising has begun to lose its charm due to frauds that are being committed in the name of pay per click advertising.

In pay per click advertising, the advertiser, for every click on its link by its potential customer pays a certain agreed amount to the advertising company. But over the years a trend of dishonesty is being seen in the advertising companies where they generate fake clicks on advertiser’s link and try to make easy money. In other cases, vengeful competitors can click on such links to increase their bill without getting any genuine customers.

So this becomes quite difficult for companies to find a good pay per click company, but still, there are some measures which can follow to ensure that investments are not being wasted.

You can look for Google certification which is in the form of “Google AdWords Certification” which ensures that the bearer is competent and is very familiar with the way the PPC system of Google works. You can look at testimonials of the company and use your instincts to find out whether these are genuine or fabricated by the company itself. You can also benefit from experience of other companies who have got this type of work done. You can find someone in such a company who can guide you in the process or can reveal their experience with the same. And don’t forget to take warnings from such people if you do not intend to waste your investment.

You can also go through the previous works of the advertising company. Ask them about their clients and the kind of results they have given them and see for yourself how much you are satisfied with the information given by them. You can also check the familiarity of the advertising company with your field of operation and check whether they are really knowledgeable or not.

You can check the professional conduct of the advertising company. Hold your advertising company to a very high level of Professional Demeanor and if it fails, its better to find some other firm.

It may sound tempting but always consider more than one advertising company so that you have many options to choose from. It is always beneficial to consider competition in the market while selecting a service provider for yourself.

Avoid companies that guarantee fast results, because generally, companies that offer speed in their services do not give time to test the results.

Look at what kind of results they provide to their customers. Firms sometimes charge you without increasing the traffic of customers to your website. Go through the contract thoroughly and be sure about all the terms and conditions.

Generally, companies that think of themselves as experts in using Google, consider PPC advertising as their area of expertise but you can easily check their credibility in the side bar ads when you search them in Google.

These are certain points which you can keep in mind while finding a good pay per click company and make sure you are not short of your advertising budget.

About The Author

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For Pay per Click, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading specialists of Pay per Click:
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

SEO Campaigns And What Not To Do

by: Derek Rogers

Given the ratio of the internet, and given the fact that so many people in the business world use it to further their goals and ambitions, it is shocking how so many people still have issues with using the internet appropriately. Search engine optimization is one powerful tool that many people use when they are looking to increase the level of relevant traffic to their website, but remember, that like any tool, its efficiency depends on the employer. Take a look at a few of the reasons why so many SEO campaigns falter and fall, and often are unable to rise again.

Bad keywords are one of the first culprits. Look at the text on your website and really think about whether it reflects your company. Will the people who are searching for your services know to use those terms? Bad keywords can work in two different directions. Firstly the keywords are too specific. They are only understood by other professionals in your field, and someone who isn't aware of the ins and outs of your business would never think to search for them. Over-generalization is similarly a concern. With keywords that are too generic, you will simply bring irrelevant people to your site who have no actual interest in what you have to offer.

SEO also means that you have to take into account the format of your page. Are things placed in a logical way that will draw people? Have you made sure that your page has enough content to draw people to it? Part of good page optimization is ensuring that your website has a good place when it comes to link building. The more people who link to you without you offering a reciprocal link, the better your rating goes. Link building is one aspect that the Google search engine uses to push you towards the top of your search page, so make sure that you don't ignore it when you are thinking about optimization and content.

Some companies who try to avoid these mistakes contract with SEO consultants, but even there they might find that they are working with someone who uses illegitimate means to bulk up your numbers. Some warning signs include multiple names, the ownership of shadow domains and a guarantee of rankings through obscure keyword phrases that you would have gotten anyway. Beware of companies that give you a strange feeling or refuse to explain how your website would be getting the hits. Although there are many of them, the concepts relating to SEO are fairly straightforward, so if you catch someone being secretive, make sure you find out why.

When you are looking to conduct an SEO campaign, unless you are a specialist in the field yourself, you should consider consulting with a professional. A professional who cares about his or her work and is dedicated to making your site a success can easily save you from the blunders that could cost you in time, resources and money which is important to any business.

About The Author

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For Search Engine Optimization, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading suppliers of Search Engine Optimization Campaigns:
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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tips On Choosing A Marketing Company

by: Derek Rogers

When you just cannot do everything yourself it is important to consider hiring a marketing company. A marketing company can help you develop a solid and strategic marketing plan to benefit your business and boost your sales. There are many different things that you must consider before you choose a marketing company. What should you be looking for?

First, you need to make sure that you find a marketing company that can offer you many different services that may be beneficial to your company. This is crucial, but what could be more important than the actual services they offer is their experience and expertise. You want to make sure that you choose a marketing company that is knowledgeable, experienced, and well versed in marketing and perhaps in your specific niche as well.

What services might you want to look for?

You might want to look for a marketing company that offers search engine optimization, pay per click advertising, and internet marketing. If you are doing business on the internet, having a company that understands the workings of internet marketing and business is essential to your success with any marketing company.

Another consideration you might want to make, is what the company offers you to help you choose the right company. For instance, does the company offer you an initial analysis and provides you with recommendations as to which services you and your business might benefit from? This would be a good place to start and can assure you that the marketing company does indeed know what they are doing. This is especially helpful to new business owners who are not quite sure what direction they need to take. With the analysis, you can do your research and determine which concepts are most important to your business.

It is important to avoid certain things. For instance, do not hire any marketing company that offers you unrealistic or unproven guarantees and offers. This may be in the form of helping you achieve a specific ranking within search engines. This would be considered unrealistic because nothing is guaranteed when it comes to ranking. Furthermore, you want to make sure that the company uses legal and honest methods of achieving their success. Ask the company what type of methods they use to gain their results. If they refuse to tell you a general overview of their techniques, this it is generally a good idea to avoid that company.

At the same time, make sure that you avoid any company that does not offer you access to any accounts created under your name or the name of your business. Something that always bears repeating is to make sure that you read and understand any type of contracts or agreements before you sign on the dotted line. This can help you avoid troubles or misunderstandings. If you have any questions about the contract or agreement, be sure to ask them, if the marketing company avoids answering your questions or does not fully answer them, find a new company to work with.

About The Author

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For marketing companies, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading suppliers of marekting:

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Saturday, November 08, 2008

5 Reasons To Use Website Marketing Companies

by: Derek Rogers

Website Marketing Companies provide effective techniques to establish and enhance your online business. When developing a website for your business, your objective is to create an internet presence. This online visual determines long- term success for any web business. Regardless of your choice of internet marketing strategy, your web site must contain powerful content along with a reliable marketing company.

A successful web page promotion campaign can be obtained through an efficient website marketing company. If the website content is relevant and entertaining, it can achieve high ranking within the major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, AOL, MSN, and AltaVista. If your website manages to obtain high listings with at least three of these major engines, you are guaranteed an overflow of targeted traffic. Subsequently, there are several reasons why applying the techniques of these companies will help your small business to be profitable.

It is important that any online business that invests in online marketing companies must devote extensive time and effort to analyze the return on their investment. More so, because a number of online businesses are relatively new, it is recommended that you recruit your marketing strategy and immediately move to the next step of analyzing. Many effective and affordable tools are available to monitor and analyze your sites traffic. The website marketing companies are the best tool to assist you with subsequential evaluation of the ultimate production of your marketing efforts. Specifically, if you are investing a great deal of money into search engines and keyword buys, you need to know which one is meeting your goals.

Search engines may or may not be your greatest source for traffic. Website marketing tools will also track where your traffic is coming from and why. It would be beneficial to attract significant on- ramps from other websites, perhaps relative online companies who are potential business partners. Furthermore, it is important to know if your efforts to generate new customers and sales leads are effective. Website marketing companies can provide tools that can show you who directs the traffic your way while also monitoring your sites most requested pages. They will identify the most common entry pages as well as any exit pages. If your strategy is working effectively, then you can optimize your site to distribute more of the same. In the worst case scenario; you may need to reconstruct your web pages to present something more intriguing or compelling.

Website marketing gurus use tools that enable you to view the actual operating systems that your users may have. This will allow any defects of your site to be revealed. For instance, a website will become defected if a user attempts to link nonexistent or “404” pages to it. It is rewarding to know what your visitors’ viewpoint is regarding your website and business.

Finally, web marketing companies are beneficial as they provide techniques that allow a small business owner to understand their customers and your targeted audience. Any technology associated with the internet that provides a marketing strategy for your small business helps to develop methods to achieve high ranking and enhance the marketing tools that helps you sell your product. Basically, website marketing begins with a well- written and organized website and concludes with a successful web page promotion.

About The Author

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For marketing companies, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading specialists of website marketing companies:
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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

What Is A Search Engine Marketing Company?

by: Derek Rogers

Today, when it comes to popularising a brand around the globe, Internet marketing is what every business owner seeks for leaving behind the traditional methods of marketing like advertisements and promotional methods. With Internet marketing, a business owner can do an online promotion of its products or services on a wider scale by reaching out to both the local and international markets.

Online marketing means popularising one’s brand on the World Wide Web; however, this process is not an easy task with so many competitors standing on the same platform. Behind this popularity there is no one technique that works, rather it is a gradual process and combination of various SEM techniques. So, in order to enjoy the results of a successful business through online marketing, there is a need to hire a professional search engine company.

One of the most important requirements of an online business is to develop a website. A well structured website is crucial for any online business as it is a representation of the company. It is the website which helps a visitor to make an impression about your company, and an effective and attractive website can entice the visitor to transform into a customer. Not only a good website plays its role in SEM, it also needs to be search engine optimised so that it can be seen by the target market. Search engine optimisation includes processes like SEO copywriting, web designing, programming effective coding and link development. These are among the major services of SEO which helps to improve the visibility in the search engine results. The SEO copywriting requires the making of targeted keywords that are commonly put in search engines. In order to find out the targeted keywords, it requires a lot of research, which an SEM company does on its own part. A search engine marketing company knows all the SEO techniques that would help to develop a website and improve the search engine ranking of a website.

A search engine marketing company also offers the services of creating an easily navigable and customer friendly site that would make your target audience glued to your site.

Another most common SEM (search engine marketing) advertising service is Pay-per-click advertising. It is among the most successful advertising techniques in which your ad gets displayed whenever any visitor puts in keywords related to your nature of business in order to seek out information. With your ad reflected on the web page, you become the focus of your target market. A SEM company offers you pay-per-click advertising and helps by finding the most relevant and used keywords for your website.

PFI or pay-for-inclusion services are also offered by a search engine marketing company. With the use of this service, you can make the URL of your site or the web pages get crawled by a search engine spider on a regular basis.

No doubt, the services of a search engine marketing company can definitely guide you to phenomenal growth of your company’s business online, thereby making your brand successful on the online front.

About The Author

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For marketing companies, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading specialists of search engine marketing companies:
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Monday, November 03, 2008

Website Marketing Companies - A Checklist To The Advantages

by: Derek Rogers

The professionals of Website marketing companies help you to provide a good and long-lasting impression online. As people come to your website, they may click away if they do not find your site interesting or full of relevant information. However, website marketing companies are the only solution to this. They help you to ensure more and more people come to your site by marketing your website in different ways.

Today, the biggest factor responsible to achieve success in your business is promotional strategies. Therefore seeking the help of specialised companies for effective internet marketing has become prominent. The website promotional services offered by these companies are most in demand in today’s advertising industry. Their techniques can help you out to attain success in cyber space and can make you known both locally and internationally.

Moreover, around one million web pages are added everyday into the World Wide Web and therefore this has increased the competition on the online front. These promotional companies help you to achieve maximum benefit over other sites by bringing highly targeted traffic to your website.

There are a number of web advertising services that come as the entire solution for all your advertising requirements.

Among the major services are:

Online directory
Search engine submissions
Search Engine Optimisation
Viral marketing
Web linking

While advertising online or in online businesses, the people associated with it should be very careful while selecting a website marketing company to promote their business. Online advertising can prove to be very expensive if you lack experience with website marketing and further, you need to go through a number of advertising campaigns based on “test or trials”. It can be a tiresome and time-taking experience for you to find the best website marketing company for delivering profitable solutions for marketing. For the effective online advertisement, you need to compare every advertising option available on the internet which are dealing in business with website marketing or are great solutions of online media. You may even need to develop a personal relationship with the account manager of the website marketing company you select to meet your purpose. This account manager in the website marketing company will help you deal with your advertising campaigns and will also advise you on its growth. The account manager helps you prepare for the real expected scenario prior to the commencement of all solutions of your website marketing.

It is very simple when thinking of website marketing itself, but when you really need to create a fast effect, it is important for you to consider a managed website company and its strategies. The Web has become an essentially vital source to most of the companies, whether small or large, that none of them want to take any risk in their online appearance. For this reason, getting help from professionals or website marketing companies really proves beneficial to all business organizations.

Choose an experienced website marketing company which would be an efficient and reliable one, entrusting all advertising effort in it to promote your business effectively.

About The Author

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents many UK businesses. For website marketing companies, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading specialists of search engine optimization.
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Friday, October 31, 2008

3 Main Important Parts of Network Marketing Business

by: Tsuyoshi Suzuki


Network marketing business is made up of 3 parts and they are the distribution of products and services, the compensation plan and the company. Network marketing business is to find, sponsor, and retain. For many people, having home business network marketing is their only realistic hope of making an extraordinary income. And he basics of Internet home business network marketing is nothing but "duplicating yourself many times over. If you are one of those people who have always wanted to stay and be your own boss, the home business network marketing is just right for you.

Distribution of Product and Services

Here are network marketing business opportunity:- between 70-80% of distributors will "throw in the towel" in the first three months- over 95% never make it past the 12 month mark- almost 80% will not know the feeling of sponsoring someone into their business. So with statistics like that, why would anyone consider MLM. I know you have heard this before, but how many distributors continually think in the now and frustrate themselves when they don't achieve immediate results.

Many successful distributors have studied books on visualization and positive thinking and have attributed their success to having learned to reprogram their thoughts. As a beginner, you will have an easier time learning the business with a company that is established and has in place many tools and systems for supporting its distributors.

Compensation Plan

With a little planning and analysis, you can start a successful home business; millions of people are doing it everyday. As with anything else, when you are looking for this type of thing for your home business network marketing plan, proceed with caution. Home business network marketing has the same components of a marketing plan as any business. That’s another good reason to become involved in your community as you make your plans for home business network marketing.

There are many different types of network marketing programs and a vast array of products available through them. At the same time, some programs have restrictions on an individual. Most of the Internet marketing programs typically promote expensive advertising campaigns and buying costly ad packs, buying expensive leads, giving out costly print ads, etc.


If you are doing this, thoroughly check out the company to ensure that theirs is a legitimate business. However, if you have chosen an MLM company as the primary focus of your home business there are a number of principles to be aware of when marketing it. You have to find out the company that is right for you, with good plan and getting started.

If you work hard you can make significant amounts of money every month once your network marketing business is on track. A network marketing business is a teaching and coaching business. Having your own network marketing business is extremely profitable and the secret to great lifestyle income with any network marketing business is to come upon something you can get really frenzied about.

For more information about Network Marketing, make sure you follow the link in the recourse box below now.

About The Author

Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. Discover How To Build Up 1,000+ Downline. Generate Your Own MLM lead for FREE! Find out the best MLM business opportunity. The Dirty Truth about MLM Marketing that You Don't Know. Get FREE Report Now! Go to ==>
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Thursday, October 30, 2008

How to Recruit People to Your MLM

by: Tsuyoshi Suzuki

What do successful MLM recruiting specialists do? How do they recruit, what do they do in the field and what do they think about? Successful MLM recruiting is about building your business, and with enough of it you will find that your income will increase quickly and exponentially. If there was a way that you could guarantee to explode your MLM recruiting, and touch people in such a way that most would follow you to the moon if you went.

Being SELECTIVE in your network marketing recruiting will eliminate a LOT of heartache and frustration and bringing in the wrong people and expecting them to explode, and they only fizzle out. Focus in on the RIGHT tactics and perspective, and you will find your recruiting will explode with the "Success STUFF" in MLM and Network Marketing. All MLM recruiting is in a nutshell is looking for folks who are of the same philosophy that we are, and if they are not, make them a customer and get referrals.

Simply, there are weeks that there are not many people looking at the MLM Recruiting ads, and there isn't a thing you can do about that. Cold Market MLM Recruiting Ads that run for weeks at a time have a better response in the long run then short run ads. Just understand that small business owners have a business to run, and many will make great customers, but will not be interested in your mlm business.

Small business owners can be an absolute GOLD MINE, but you have to do some digging in your MLM and Network Marketing business. When you are recruiting, you are really trying to sell three things: *1-Yourself, as a potential business partner; *2-A business opportunity; and 3*-Their dream of a profitable business.

One of the Biggest Secrets to MLM Recruiting is creating a "Magnetic Presence" so people are literally attracted to talking to you and want to be around you. Showing them the business opportunity to join in MLM business, as much as you learn how to present, people will listen to you more and more. Remember that people will listen to you when they see that you are really know about what you are telling them.

About The Author

Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. Discover How To Build Up 1,000+ Downline. Generate Your Own MLM lead for FREE! Find out the best MLM business opportunity. The Dirty Truth about MLM Marketing that You Don't Know. Get FREE Report Now! Go to ==>
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Monday, October 27, 2008

Why Do You Need Knowledge to Start MLM Business?

by: Tsuyoshi Suzuki


Network marketing opportunity is a big decision. The main need for training is that a network marketing business is unlike most other businesses out there. Knowledge will give you the conviction that your Network Marketing business is great, the ability to speak intelligently about your business opportunity with genuine enthusiasm. Starting a network marketing business is ideal for people who want to set their own hours and choose their coworkers while becoming financially secure. If you love teaching and learning, a network marketing business is a great business to join.


Income can only be considered truly residual if you can go on vacation for an extended period of time and still get paid. Income can be made from the sales of the people you recruit into the business, the people they recruit into the business and those they recruit and so on. The best part of these businesses is that even after exiting the business; you will continue to receive residual income and the applicable tax benefits.


Network Marketing is an equal opportunity business. In order to find a company that provides a product and an opportunity that you believe it, you must first know yourself. You cannot fool your friends and family by sharing a product or business opportunity that you don't believe in yourself. There are also some network marketers who do not think about targeted advertising, and instead try to sell their products or their business opportunity to anyone who breathes, regardless of whether they want to hear about it. With Network Marketing, the window of opportunity is open to anyone willing to make the commitment. And in modern day home office technologies offer a wealth of opportunity for military spouses to launch online businesses that can be operated from virtually anywhere. This is why the educational system inherent in a good network marketing opportunity is so important.


The key to success in any network marketing business is to make your business systems simple and as automated as possible. Another fear that keeps people from starting a network marketing business is that they feel they do not know enough about business to successfully run their own. You can start your Network Marketing business on a part-time basis without giving up your current source of income until your Network Marketing business is generating the income you require. If you work hard you can make significant amounts of money every month once your network marketing business is on track.

About The Author

Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. Discover How To Build Up 1,000+ Downline. Generate Your Own MLM lead for FREE! Find out the best MLM business opportunity. The Dirty Truth about MLM Marketing that You Don't Know. Get FREE Report Now! Go to ==>

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Friday, October 24, 2008

How to Find Lead to Your Network

by: Tsuyoshi Suzuki


The important reason why you should generate your own network marketing leads is you can contact them immediately and remember that producing your own network marketing leads is very do-able. Industry Standard for Network Marketing Leads is depending on the brand and price of entry.


I believe Network business are unique in the world of business because it's not only important that we win, but how we win. Marketing is the key skill that is missing when people run their MLM business. You will spend more money and time buying lead list and cold calling them then actually building your business. To be a success in your business, you must learn how to do some marketing on the Internet. Successful people think a long way into the future and they adjust their daily behaviors to assure they achieve their long-term goals in their network marketing business. Network marketing success only happens when you have certain key factors taken place in your business and that key is the leads.


Leads offer is available to all approved MLM Marketers. Leads are people who already show some interest in a home based business opportunity, so they are generally easier to work with. If you want MLM opportunity leads to call you at home chasing you down, and then put yourself in a position to attract them to you. MLM Leads should only be generated by you and not anyone else. What I have found to be a common way to build a network marketing business is to buy generic leads from lead companies and cold call them using your phone. But be acknowledged that buying MLM Leads from lead companies is not an effective way to build your network marketing business all the time.


The only way to do this is to master the art of lead generation for massive success. Network marketing allows anyone the opportunity to be a massive success in areas of their lives. This was the most important lesson that should be learned when you started network marketing before you will be able to started seeing massive success in this business. They all are looking for more effective ways to become a big success in network marketing. Stop making excuses and start winning because you really can be successful in MLM. One way to make sure that your multi level marketing company stays successful is to have a product that will be popular for a long while. Find out what you need to help you with your internet business so you can achieve your dream of success.


MLM training must consist of Internet marketing training, traffic and lead generation, just to name a few. Lead generation is a skill that most network marketers aren't taught by their upline coaches. Many new and veteran MLM distributors are not shown how to market their network marketing business. Creating your network marketing leads yourself by using your own website will solve this problem.

About The Author

Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. Discover How To Build Up 1,000+ Downline. Generate Your Own MLM lead for FREE! Find out the best MLM business opportunity. The Dirty Truth about MLM Marketing that You Don't Know. Get FREE Report Now! Go to ==>

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

How Does Internet Marketing Work?

by: Tsuyoshi Suzuki


Internet marketing is a component of electronic commerce. Internet marketing is by far the fastest growing advertising method for all companies in this day and age. Internet marketing is about people knowing each others interests, values and preferences. Internet marketing is becoming one of the highest return-on-the-investment strategies these days.


For the most effective Internet marketing, you'll want to make sure your site is listed in the following search engines and directories:DMOZ. What I can't emphasize enough is that you take the time to find the right search engine submission category, and if your business is regional or local, make sure you submit there instead of the main areas. Also be sure to read the search engine submission guidelines carefully. If after a few months you find that your site is still not listed in the search engines, go through the search engine submission process again. Effective Internet marketing Effective Internet marketing starts with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and is comprised of optimizing the content, specific keywords, and over all design of your web site in order to ensure that your site attains maximum exposure to search engines. Google, Yahoo, MSN, and other major search engines use search engine software known as robots. Once a site is submitted to the search engine, the robots, also often known as search engine crawlers or search engine spiders, analyze the content of a site as well as other search engine criteria such as the accuracy of the website coding (ie: clean coding) to establish content relevance and overall website relevance.


Internet marketing does not simply mean 'building a website' or 'promoting a website'. Somewhere behind that website is a real organization with real goals. Internet marketing strategy includes all aspects of online advertising products, services, and websites, including search engine marketing, public relations, social media, market research, email marketing, and direct sales. These include e-commerce, where you sell goods directly to consumers or businesses; publishing, where you sell advertising; and lead-based sites, where an organization generates value by getting sales leads from their site. At one time, Internet marketing consisted mostly of having a Web site or placing banner ads on other Web sites. Since most home-based businesses don't have a physical location, a Web site provides an inexpensive means for prospects to get to know what you do or what you sell and can even be a "storefront" for selling goods and services directly.


Internet marketing is any legal activity intended to bring traffic from a search portal to another Website. Internet marketing is becoming one of the highest return-on-the-investment strategies these days. The decision to use Internet marketing as part of a company's overall marketing strategy is strictly up to the company of course, but as a rule, Internet marketing is becoming an increasingly important part of nearly every company's marketing mix. That's why Internet marketing is all about networking and communication.

About The Author

Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki is an Expert Internet Marketer. Making money easy. Use this web traffic generator, you can get very targeted visitors to any kind of websites for FREE! Making money internet Now!
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Friday, October 17, 2008

MLM System

by: Tsuyoshi Suzuki


Multi Level Marketing is a 60 billion dollar a year industry and provides a ready-made business structure including product support andservicesand it's is a people-to-people business. MLM or Multi Level marketing is a way for the average person, who is teachable, and who has desire and perseverance, to earn extra income from the sanctuary of their home. In fact the concept of MLM is no longer new. For those who may be looking for a few extra hundred or even a thousand a month and don't have the time to work another full time job, This is the best way to earn that money without a huge risk or large investments. To break it all down Multi Level Marketing is a process in which you share information while developing long term relationships.


Products are sold through a network of distributors or salespersons setup to resemble a pyramid: each distributor recruits and trainsadditional distributors and will earn commissions on their sales, aswell as on the sales he or she makes. Products that are attractive to a specific segment of the population, ora particular interest group. Products are sold by individual distributors, rather than out of ashop or store. A common MLM product is some sort of panacea, such as a vitamin or mineral supplement. You could do what most businesses do: either sell it directly to consumers or find others who will buy your product from you and sell it to other people.

This system is system of marketing which puts more emphasis upon the recruiting of distributors than on the selling of products. For every MLM distributor who makes a decent living or even a decent supplemental income, there are at least ten who do little more than buy products and promotional materials, costing them much more than they will ever earn as an MLM agent. At the turn of the century, the average Amway distributor earned about $700 a year in sales, but spent about $1,000 a year on Amway products. You get to buy products, some of which you will be happy with. However, many do continue as happy customers (assuming, as in my own case, that the products have high value). And many enjoy getting some commissions for sales to people they have referred, who became customers, so they can make back or reduce the cost of their products. " In fact, network marketing is a part of the direct sales industry, which includes many types of commission sales businesses in whichproducts are sold directly to customers through distributors who earn commissions on those sales.


Multi-level marketing is a system of selling in which you sign up other people to assist you, and they, in turn, recruit others to help them. It is an enterprise system which puts emphasis on recruiting distributors. You need an internet mlm prospecting system. You are 'invited' into the system by a trusted. For the predators behind the system,it was a dream come true. This is a system where people make money by getting other people to become "distributors" for a product. Their only purpose was to raise money and cash in before that system fell apart. The beauty of MLM is that it's a marketing system used by many different types of businesses so, if MLM?s where you want to go, you need only choose a business and an industry that excites you and the potential for your future suddenly explodes. Residual income can happen with this system, but it takes time, and for many of the financially desperate people that enter such schemes, that is time they can't afford to wait on. Often times these systems of selling and/or recruiting are very simple, because it is always important to create a duplicable system that others can easily mirror and follow.


Multi Level Marketing is the opportunity of the new millennium. It is the ideal home business venture for the entrepreneur and the regular person. For those who may be looking for a few extra hundred or even a thousand a month and don't have the time to work another full time job, This system is the best way to earn that money without a huge risk or large investments. The fact of the matter is that Multi Level Marketing is quite easy to understand; it is exactly what it sounds like. The best way to get started in Multi Level Marketing is by making yourself accessible to a large amount of people. If you do not know what MLM is there is no reason to give up.

About The Author

Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. Discover How To Build Up 1,000+ Downline. Generate Your Own MLM lead for FREE! Find out the best MLM business opportunity. The Dirty Truth about MLM Marketing that You Don't Know. Get FREE Report Now! Go to ==>

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why MLM?

by: Tsuyoshi Suzuki

Multi Level Marketing is a venerable and legitimate way of doing business in the modern world. Multi Level Marketing is a system which is slightly better than working for someone and being a salesman. This system uses independent distributors and allowing these distributors to build and manage their own sales force by recruiting, motivating, supplying, and training others to sell products.

Essentially the concept of network marketing and multi level marketing is that you will have yourself, plus the people below you, plus several levels of the people below those people, hence the term, “multi-level” and there will essentially be multiple levels of commission coming from those people’s sales. MLM or Multi Level marketing is a way for the average person, who is teachable, and who has desire and perseverance, to earn extra income from the sanctuary of their home.

In fact the concept of Multi level Marketing is no longer new and you can find the easiest and most convenient source to locating legal industry multi level marketing that is the Internet.


Multi-Level marketing is based on the downline(s) you have. Multi-level marketing, on the other hand, is a type of tiered system and it is a way to sell goods or services through distributors. This system is very attractive because it offers wealth and independence for a relatively small up front cost.


In a multi-level structure, you can also build and manage your own sales force by recruiting, motivating, supplying and training others to sell those products. This opportunity has made multi-level marketing an attractive way of starting a business with comparatively little money. It actually just like other methods of retailing depends on selling to consumers and establishing a market for repeat business but the start-up cost in a multi-level is generally smaller than other businesses.


Marketing is about getting paid for sending website traffic and referral customers. A legitimate multi-level marketing company emphasizes reliable products or services. This business type is a type of business where a distributor receives commissions on their own sales as well as the sales of people the distributor recruits. One way to quickly set up a new business is to market products and services from a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) or network marketing. I very much believe in Network Marketing, but only if you’ve got the mindset to succeed, and time to dedicate frequently to your business.

For the people like you who are committed to living your dream Multi Level Marketing is a great way to make this possible. Even though the failure rate with multi level marketing is very high, but it does not mean that you cannot make it successful!!

About The Author

Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. Discover How To Build Up 1,000+ Downline. Generate Your Own MLM lead for FREE! Find out the best MLM business opportunity. The Dirty Truth about MLM Marketing that You Don't Know. Get FREE Report Now! Go to ==>
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Basic Knowledge of How to Select a Right MLM Company

by: Tsuyoshi Suzuki


Network marketing opportunity is a big decision. But how do you choose which network marketing opportunity is the right one for you. Basically, what a network marketing opportunity is nothing more than direct selling. Is the general impression left that the network marketing opportunity is largely about selling the network marketing opportunity to new participants with an emphasis on recruiting or acquiring new participants and selling them the product, rather than having as a primary purpose the sale of the product to non-participants who remain non-participants?


Many companies also offer incentives such as fast start bonuses which can really jumpstart your earnings. Your full of energy, motivated about the product, and eager to get started. But you really should give yourself at least six months and some sales before you start calling the family tree. Everybody has to go through that startup period when they are NOT rich, famous, and a shining example to all who seek to emulate their success. What do you get in return for your start up investment, other then the potential to earn good money? If you want to, you can start your own company any time you want.


Ask yourself if it is something that you can use and sell outside of the program. If the product is only useful in recruiting others into the program than you should probably stay away from it. Try to avoid programs that force you to go wide on your first level, or who don't reward you for going deep. The average network marketer only recruits two to four people, so you will want an opportunity that allows your downline to go deep which will make it easier for everyone and may help people from quitting the program. Do a little research on the company and the program you are thinking about getting involved with. The program should have great marketing tools, training, and excellent customer support. Sometimes diligence and patience, which are rare commodities in someone who has invested money in a network marketing program, will overcome the lack of a system or training program.


Companies go through different stages of growth, and choosing the right company at the right time is crucial to your potential with that particular company. Companies can combine the basis compensation plans in any way they want. How does the pay plan compare to other companies with similar products? This question should be going part of your thought process as you choose just what you want from a network marketing companies’ opportunity. Network Marketing means that companies choose to sell products by using independent distributors rather than stocking their products in storefronts. Most network marketing companies have a money back guarantee which means that if you are unhappy with the products you can send them back for a refund and also retired the pension plans. If you happen to be a member of several companies, it is important to remember that you should really focus on one good network marketing home based business for the long run and the others will tend to operate essentially on kind of a referral basis.


So, now that you understand how choosing a online network marketing opportunity as your perfect chance for starting a successful home based business. This is why the educational system inherent in a good network marketing opportunity is so important. Trying to decide if that network marketing companies are right or not. If your Network Marketing opportunity is leaving you feeling confused about how to grow your business into a successful and profitable venture maybe you should consider that again. Achieving financial freedom from home is probably one of the biggest desires for people today and it is a great way for you to start a new career and meet your own personal goals. For more information about MLM, make sure you follow the link in the recourse box below now.

About The Author

Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. Discover How To Build Up 1,000+ Downline. Generate Your Own MLM lead for FREE! Find out the best MLM business opportunity. The Dirty Truth about MLM Marketing that You Don't Know. Get FREE Report Now! Go to ==>
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Home Based Business Tips for Newbie

by: Tsuyoshi Suzuki

A major concern of all Home Based Business Entrepreneurs is to get Traffic to their websites. Most people who have searched for a suitable home based Internet Business opportunity complain about a common illness: They are sick and tired of websites that promote best home based Internet Business opportunities… sick and tired of the false promises, the over-hyped sales pitches, and the downright SCAMS that lurk behind most Internet Business opportunities. Millions of people around the world have had the dream of finding the perfect home based business and being able to fire their boss.

Starting a home based internet business can be a run away success if the website comes up within the first 20 results of organic searches. Promoting your Internet Business Offline is a great way of getting over this problem and at the same time creating an image for yourself and your Home Based Business. Hence SEO is one of the main tools for your websites promotion as well as marketing, when starting a home based internet business.

Looking at the above statistics and statements, you must have gathered a basic picture in your mind on how important SEO can be to your starting a home based internet business. If you are new to the Internet business, you might feel that you would prefer to remain anonymous because you are still learning the trade and have no expertise to share. Once you’ve decided what you are going to sell on the internet and how, you venture online to search for profitable home based business opportunities that appeal to you.

In addition to diversifying your online business, you should also take a few other things in account that are unique to the problems that home based business owners face. These are just a few of the reasons that you should consider diversifying your business. Promoting an home business calls for 3 things: increasing traffic to your website, selling goods/services that are worth the money and retaining/adding to your customer base.

In order for your internet home business to be successful, your website must well set up so that it attracts the traffic you need, and so that the visitors who will come to your website will make you some money. For your business to be successful, it is important that you constantly improve your website or products/services, and you can achieve this by having a feedback form on your website. The final fear to overcome when thinking about putting your photo on the Internet for your website, is that you are not good looking or just don't photograph well.

One of the easiest, low capital and requirement little knowledge and skill initially to build a home based business is to join a MLM or network company. Another way is to get into the mind of the small home business owner. As a Web Designer or a Business owner wearing a Web Designer Hat it seems you have 2 Choices, do what seems right and in many ways best and use a Pretty Directory Structure and Loose Ranking points or Throw out the Directory Structure and Gain Ranking Points.

Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki makes it easy to build your home based business and earn a substantial income. Finally, you should make sure that lifetime support for your profitable home based business opportunity is provided. For more information, make sure you follow the link in the recourse box below now.

About The Author

Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. Discover How To Build Up 1,000+ Downline. Generate Your Own MLM lead for FREE! Find out the best MLM business opportunity. The Dirty Truth about MLM Marketing that You Don't Know. Get FREE Report Now! Go to ==>

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Effective Internet Advertising

by: Tsuyoshi Suzuki

Free internet advertising is one very important method for promoting your products and services to thousands of free ads. You've probably found this article because you did a search for "free advertising" on an internet search engine. If you have taken the time to research search engine placement, methods of obtaining a high search engine ranking, or Internet advertising, you have probably heard of Google Adwords.

Two of the most popular and successful advertising techniques on the Internet are pay per click campaigns and natural search engine optimization campaigns. If your company is not competing at the level it should be, perhaps it is time you looked into focusing more of your time and efforts into Internet advertising techniques that are successful. You will not only get the best results with a carefully designed system for generating Internet advertising for your blog, but you will also be able to sustain good results over a long period of time, which is what serious business and successful entrepreneurship is all about.

With a good well designed selling system in place, not only will you be able to get the best results while generating Internet advertising for your blog, but success will be virtually guaranteed. This difference with blog advertising rates is important because in the print media world, ad rates can not go below a certain point because if they do, the publication will cease to be profitable. In the print media, space is limited by the cost of production which keeps ad rates high and makes the balance of content versus advertising critical to the financial success of any print publication that relies on advertising.

Free internet advertising makes it easy for you to put free ads on several of the premier quality web sites whenever you want, for free. You know that you are visiting the forum merely for the free advertising for your website but it is better not to make this obvious if you want other members to react well to your advertising. Internet forum etiquette demands that you spend a little time "lurking" ie logging in at the forum and reading previous and current threads before you even think of starting to use the forum for advertising.

Whether you write your own articles or pay a ghostwriter to write your articles for you, the combined cost of creating and distributing your article is far less than the value of advertising that you will receive in exchange for the reprint use of your article. When you write articles that are consistent with the topics that your potential clientele will read, you are able to consistently target the people you need to reach with your advertising. If an advertiser is already paying 20 cents per click and your blog Internet advertising rate card charges them what works out to about 5 cents per click and there is a promise of the same or an even better conversion rate, you have won over that advertiser.

I have been paying for traffic and one of the best sources of targeted traffic is through pay per click search engines (PPC) or pay for placement search alternatives like Google adwords or Yahoo Sponsor Listings, formerly Overture. Google adwords and Yahoo Sponsor Listings are the kings of pay per placement search engines. And if you are in a highly competitive niche, the cost per visitor in pay per click search engines is pumping up day by day.

For more information, make sure you follow the link in the recourse box below now.

About The Author

Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. Discover How To Build Up 1,000+ Downline. Generate Your Own MLM lead for FREE! Find out the best MLM business opportunity. The Dirty Truth about MLM Marketing that You Don't Know. Get FREE Report Now! Go to ==>

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

MLM Business

by: Tsuyoshi Suzuki
MLM is very attractive, however, because it sells hope and appears to be outside the mainstream of business as usual. MLM is also frequentlycalled network marketing, consumer direct marketing, or sellerassisted marketing and other terms continue to surface. MLM is essentially any business where payouts occur at two or more levels. MLM is all about nexus building and that is all a part of any business.


You market Products through pseudo"Mini-Franchises" that when joined, contain the ability to distribute products to people. This is especially popular now with online ordering and Stores being created with a multitude of products. MLM companiesusually conduct more rigorous testing because public expectations of MLM productsare unusually high, and are usually subject to much broader guarantees or warrantiesthan other products. AdvertisingThe highest-leverageselling process, in which consumers are pulled toward the products/services and theirbenefits.


Success is something that we all seek, and want for our lives, families, and future. Success is a focus to most in Network Marketing, who are seeking Wealth in MLM. Success is predicated upon you making decisions and taking action to lead toward success.


"MLM industry claims of distributor income potential, its glorifieddescriptions of the "network'" business model, and itsprophecies of dominating product distribution have as much validityin business as UFO sightings do in the realm of science. The retailing activity is, in reality, only a pretext for theactual core business, which is enrolling investors in pyramidorganizations that promise exponential income growth. As in all pyramid schemes, the incomes of those distributorsat the top and the profits to the sponsoring corporations comefrom a continuous influx of new investors at the bottom. Itstrue products are not long distance phone services, vitamins,or skin creams, but the investment propositions for distributorshipswhich are deceptively portrayed with images of high income, lowtime requirements, small capital investments, and early success.


What you have done is create a Network of "Distribution Channels" for your Product( a downline) which you can receive "Brokerage Royalties' or Overrides on that can be quite substantial. The possibility is always held out that you may become rich if not from your own efforts then from some unknown person ("the big fish") who might join your "downline. Short of termination, downlines can be taken away arbitrarily. It's a two tier residual affiliate program and it is obvious I want to build a downline and another income stream with it. You'll see that they offer something to their downlines much more than just "How to Make Money".

MLM is very attractive, however, because it sells hope and appears to be outside the mainstream of business as usual. MLM is also frequentlycalled network marketing, consumer direct marketing, or sellerassisted marketing and other terms continue to surface. MLM is essentially any business where payouts occur at two or more levels. MLM is not replacing existing forms of marketing.

About The Author

Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. Discover How To Build Up 1,000+ Downline. Generate Your Own MLM lead for FREE! Find out the best MLM business opportunity. The Dirty Truth about MLM Marketing that You Don't Know. Get FREE Report Now! Go to ==>
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Friday, October 10, 2008

MLM Mailing List

by: Tsuyoshi Suzuki

A clean MLM mailing list is essential in today's internet environment. This MLM mailing list is computer maintained and is updated on a daily basis to assure you of the very latest leads for your direct-mail offers. In this case, obtaining an mlm mailing list is necessary so that you will have people to reach to offer your products to.


Mailing lists for direct marketing purposes are often used for catalog distribution. Mailing leads are lists of people's profiles that include their demographics, buying behavior, product consumption, and more. Mailing list companies can help you in marketing your business may it be online or offline. Mailing list companies have several lists to choose from. The end result of many, though, is an MLM Mailing list. So what is a good MLM mailing list.


Beware of using unscrubbed address lists that may provide you with addresses to which you can send information or advertisements. Usually it will come from a legitimate MLM business that offers the service of producing lists. And not all lists are created equal, so you need to exercise caution when mailing your offers out. Now if using MLM mailing lists is the way that you want to build your MLM business than okay. And this is what you need to keep in mind when you're researching which MLM type mailing lists to buy.


Leads vendors tend to develop generic lists of MLM leads where those people may end up being contacted by dozens of MLM marketers, plus they may not be new leads. A good method of coming up with a consistent source of leads is through an MLM Mailing List. Yet, how do you know that those MLM leads are quality leads. If they are not the best quality, do you have what it takes to make those leads work for your business. Generating your own MLM leads means that you are going to be able to tailor your leads to your specific MLM business. Make sure the questions allow you to sort your MLM leads easily, so that you can qualify and disqualify your MLM leads in a simple manner.

Every name and address on our direct mail MLM mailing list is a qualified income opportunity seeker. Now this isn't a matter of protecting you from getting taken for a money ride when you are told that your MLM mailing list is the best one out there and that it will lead to many sales and distributor enrollments. You have to establish a system that would allow you to follow up on your leads, and this is why an MLM mailing list is of utmost importance to your campaign. An MLM mailing list is a database of the contact details of the leads you manage to generate for your business.

About The Author

Tsuyoshi E. Suzuki is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. Discover How To Build Up 1,000+ Downline. Generate Your Own MLM lead for FREE! Find out the best MLM business opportunity. The Dirty Truth about MLM Marketing that You Don't Know. Get FREE Report Now! Go to ==>
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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Help Me Market A Small Business Online

By: George Collins

Hi, and welcome back.

My name is George Collins and I know that there are a lot of people out there that are looking for ways to really get more people to look at their site. So I wrote some articles and I’m going to share it with you, and it will give you some ideas. So let’s get started.

Help Me Market A Small Business Online

Saturation is not possible in this day and age. I always hear the question from people, is saturation possible in a business or not. And it can be, depending on what in the world you are doing. If it is a ponzi scheme or something like that, yes, there is saturation, because it is only meant for the short term. There is really nothing there, no substance, nothing there, just something thrown together so a person can make money on a program. Usually the program does not last, it gets shut down by the government really quick or the owners take all the money and go off shore and you never hear from them again. Either way it is over and done with shortly because it just does not last, that type of thing does get saturated.

But with a real program, with real products, and it has substance of value to it, there is no saturation, especially something that is really needed in the marketing place. For instance, in the program that I am in right now we have something that is really needed in the market place and that is marketing. Not only do we teach you about marketing but we also teach you about business savvy, things that will help your business. We also give you tools and things that not only will help you in this business but any business that you want to do in the future. If you are in college, if you want to be a doctor you have to go through some kind of schooling, usually eight years of schooling just to become a doctor, and during that time you usually do not get paid.

That is a sacrifice that they make. Any area in the medical field you probably can make pretty good money. I think doctors base salary is somewhere between a hundred and twenty to a hundred and fifty or a hundred and eighty thousand dollars a year, and it goes up from there. It depends on whether you are a surgeon or what type of specialty you go into. It can go up to three or four hundred thousand a year. That is the sacrifice that they make by learning their skill in order to make that type of money.

Also saturation cannot happen if you know what you are doing. When you know how to market, there is no such thing. As a marketer, if you are marketing and we are talking specifically about pay per click, this marketing method called pay per click, let us take an example like a newspaper. Let us say that you have a few local newspapers that you advertise in, even if there is only one in your area, let us say you advertise in this program, or some other product, you have your ad down, you ad is pulling, you have tested it and tweaked it over a few months, and you had a good ad in there and you were getting good quality conversions.

You have your landing page or your lead capture page set up to where you are converting subscribers and you are getting sales. Well, it is possible in that same newspaper that you have the same marketing ad week after week, people might become use to your ad, so they might just look over it, the target market that is reading the newspaper. So what do you do in that instance and how long does it take for this to happen. I have seen it from anywhere from sixty days to six months, maybe even eight months. Is there any specific time, no. It just depends on where you are advertising at and how the people respond.

But if you see your ad pulling and then all of a sudden it kind of starts slacking off, you need to change the ad as a marketer. Some people have run the same ad once they have tweaked it, or maybe they had a winning ad from the beginning without tweaking it, and all of a sudden for whatever product they are promoting on or off line, or whatever business opportunity, whatever they are promoting, they think it must be saturated or something is going on here, because I am not getting the response I use to get. No, that is not the problem, because you have to tweak your ads as you go along, that is marketing 101 since way back.


You have been listening to George Collins. For professional training I suggest you go to and click on the link that says Leads & Training on the right side. When you join the leaders club, the woman that I work with, Diane Hochman, is offering free social media and web 2.0 training at So join the leaders club and you will get My Private Classroom training for free.

If you need to contact me directly, give me a shout, my number is 888 856-6686 or you can email me at Make sure you visit my site I have some cool reports there.

About The Author

George Collins has been marketing on the Internet for many years. Discover how to develop tons of traffic to convert to sales, scope out our free reports, free articles, training and audios.

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