Friday, November 28, 2008

The Unsuccessful Habits of Hard Working People

by: Daryl Cowie

We've all heard the phrase work smarter, not harder. It's one of those motivational statements that once held a great message, but now days is more often used to mean "You're taking too long. Quit complaining and get it done". In many ways these messages are not that different, but they hold two very different sentiments.

The truth is, many of us need to work smarter instead of harder, but we don't really know how to get from where we are to where we need to be. I was brought up believing that hard work is the key to success and fulfillment. Work harder than anyone else and you'll get recognition for it. While this is true in many ways, this philosophy can also severely restrict the level of success you achieve.

While working hard truly is a virtue, it also has some basic failings. First of all the hard work principle lends itself to measuring how hard, or long you work instead of what you are getting done. Many hard workers feel they are entitled to rewards as long as they put in long hours or carry heavy loads. It can lead to resentment of people who have figured out how to work shorter hours for larger rewards. Instead of admiring them, you see them as lazy and undeserving. Hard workers are often frustrated by the efforts of people around them that they feel are not making the same contribution, or reaching the same level of productivity as they are. What the "hard working" crowd is missing is that every employee is hired to get a result, not to fill an empty space.

Look at it this way. Pretend for a moment that you were doing the hiring and paying the bill. Would you rather pay a hard working man with an axe for 2 months to clear your land of trees, or pay a lazy dude with a chainsaw who can do it in one month? What I'd really like is a hard working man with a chainsaw, but given the choices I'll take the man who made the smart tool choice over the one who works hard. Why? Bottom line, it gets the job done faster and cheaper, which is what I really want.

The second failing of the hard working philosophy is a tendency to want to jump into action without a well thought out plan. Let’s get moving! The problem with this is that the devil is in the details. I have seen many hastily laid plans leap into instant action and gain immediate progress. I have seen just as many of these plans sitting in the trash bin after huge amounts of time and money have been invested in them because they didn't actually accomplish what the customer really wanted. By the time they figured they weren't going to meet the real requirements they had too much invested in the hastily chosen direction to make the required corrections. A common companion of these discarded plans is the discarded manager who goes along with it. Action is critical, but first you must ensure your actions contribute to a plan that actually ends in the right results.

In both cases of these cases, the work hard philosophy is missing the main opportunity. A smart plan is better than a hard working plan every time. But we are taught to spring to action. Get to work. Get it started. The reality is that working hard without a plan is fruitless. Working hard at things no one cares about is simply not productive.

Making smart choices that contribute to the results that matter to other people is one of the keys to success. Solid up-front goals and objectives planning sessions are critical to your personal success and to the success of everything you endeavor to do. If you're a hard working person, learning to effectively recognize the goals and intelligently plan objectives and strategies to accomplish them is one of the best investments you can make in yourself.

My success management tip for hard workers: learn to plan smart first, and then work hard. This is the unbeatable combination.

About The Author

Daryl Cowie has shared management tips with 1000s of people in over 30 countries around the world. His mission is to help you and your company turn business opportunities into business realities. Sign up for his free business management home study course at
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

All You Need To Know About Pay Per Click Advertising

by: Derek Rogers

What is Pay Per Click Advertising?
It is just as it sounds. You place an advertisement, usually text or graphic, and you pay each time someone clicks that advertisement. Sounds simple enough right? Though simple, it is a very powerful form of advertising that in many cases makes more sense than other methods of advertisement. How does Pay Per Click Advertising work and why is it the best choice for your business? That is a good question, let's have a look.

Targeted Audience

With Pay Per Click advertising, also known as PPC, you have the ability to target your unique audience. Sure, you have other methods of advertisement that may target a portion of your customer base, but with PPC, you have a more defined method of targeting. You target your specific customer base with solid keywords. These keywords are crucial to your advertisement. If you operate a chocolate business, you might use keywords such as chocolate, chocolate candy, candy, gourmet chocolate, and the list could actually continue to grow.

However, what makes PPC so useful is that it incorporates these keywords to make it work for you. Your pay per click advertising will not show up until a user searches for your keyword terms. The next way that PPC works best for businesses is that it works well within your budget.

Costs and Budgets

The great thing about pay per click advertising is that it is designed to work within any budget. With many sites that promote PPC advertising, you have the ability to define just how much you are willing to pay. However, it is important to note that you will likely be in competition with other businesses, depending on your keyword. The more you pay per click the higher you will be on the search engine results; this is of course dependent upon your competitors and what they bid to pay as well.

As your pay per click campaign goes along, you will have the ability to monitor your campaign. If at any time you feel that your specific campaign is not working as well for your business as you had hoped, you can change it, add another, or delete the campaign as you see fit.

What makes pay per click advertising so appealing is that you are only charged when someone clicks on your advertisement, hence the name pay per click. With other advertising methods, you are charged when your advertisement is displayed or rotated. With PPC, you pay only when a potential customer clicks on the advertisement to visit your website. This is a great cost efficient method of advertisement.

Just Works Better

Pay per click advertising just works better because you know, if you have chosen the right keywords, that when someone clicks on your ad to visit your site, that they are doing so because they are truly interested in what you have to offer via their search terms. This means that each and every person that clicks on your advertisement is a targeted potential customer, which means more likelihood for a sale or membership.

About The Author

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents many UK businesses. For pay per click, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading specialists of pay per click services.
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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Where Can I Find A Good Pay Per Click Company

by: Derek Rogers

With the advent of internet marketing, there has been a rise in pay per click advertising. But after showing a booming prospect, pay per click advertising has begun to lose its charm due to frauds that are being committed in the name of pay per click advertising.

In pay per click advertising, the advertiser, for every click on its link by its potential customer pays a certain agreed amount to the advertising company. But over the years a trend of dishonesty is being seen in the advertising companies where they generate fake clicks on advertiser’s link and try to make easy money. In other cases, vengeful competitors can click on such links to increase their bill without getting any genuine customers.

So this becomes quite difficult for companies to find a good pay per click company, but still, there are some measures which can follow to ensure that investments are not being wasted.

You can look for Google certification which is in the form of “Google AdWords Certification” which ensures that the bearer is competent and is very familiar with the way the PPC system of Google works. You can look at testimonials of the company and use your instincts to find out whether these are genuine or fabricated by the company itself. You can also benefit from experience of other companies who have got this type of work done. You can find someone in such a company who can guide you in the process or can reveal their experience with the same. And don’t forget to take warnings from such people if you do not intend to waste your investment.

You can also go through the previous works of the advertising company. Ask them about their clients and the kind of results they have given them and see for yourself how much you are satisfied with the information given by them. You can also check the familiarity of the advertising company with your field of operation and check whether they are really knowledgeable or not.

You can check the professional conduct of the advertising company. Hold your advertising company to a very high level of Professional Demeanor and if it fails, its better to find some other firm.

It may sound tempting but always consider more than one advertising company so that you have many options to choose from. It is always beneficial to consider competition in the market while selecting a service provider for yourself.

Avoid companies that guarantee fast results, because generally, companies that offer speed in their services do not give time to test the results.

Look at what kind of results they provide to their customers. Firms sometimes charge you without increasing the traffic of customers to your website. Go through the contract thoroughly and be sure about all the terms and conditions.

Generally, companies that think of themselves as experts in using Google, consider PPC advertising as their area of expertise but you can easily check their credibility in the side bar ads when you search them in Google.

These are certain points which you can keep in mind while finding a good pay per click company and make sure you are not short of your advertising budget.

About The Author

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For Pay per Click, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading specialists of Pay per Click:
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

SEO Campaigns And What Not To Do

by: Derek Rogers

Given the ratio of the internet, and given the fact that so many people in the business world use it to further their goals and ambitions, it is shocking how so many people still have issues with using the internet appropriately. Search engine optimization is one powerful tool that many people use when they are looking to increase the level of relevant traffic to their website, but remember, that like any tool, its efficiency depends on the employer. Take a look at a few of the reasons why so many SEO campaigns falter and fall, and often are unable to rise again.

Bad keywords are one of the first culprits. Look at the text on your website and really think about whether it reflects your company. Will the people who are searching for your services know to use those terms? Bad keywords can work in two different directions. Firstly the keywords are too specific. They are only understood by other professionals in your field, and someone who isn't aware of the ins and outs of your business would never think to search for them. Over-generalization is similarly a concern. With keywords that are too generic, you will simply bring irrelevant people to your site who have no actual interest in what you have to offer.

SEO also means that you have to take into account the format of your page. Are things placed in a logical way that will draw people? Have you made sure that your page has enough content to draw people to it? Part of good page optimization is ensuring that your website has a good place when it comes to link building. The more people who link to you without you offering a reciprocal link, the better your rating goes. Link building is one aspect that the Google search engine uses to push you towards the top of your search page, so make sure that you don't ignore it when you are thinking about optimization and content.

Some companies who try to avoid these mistakes contract with SEO consultants, but even there they might find that they are working with someone who uses illegitimate means to bulk up your numbers. Some warning signs include multiple names, the ownership of shadow domains and a guarantee of rankings through obscure keyword phrases that you would have gotten anyway. Beware of companies that give you a strange feeling or refuse to explain how your website would be getting the hits. Although there are many of them, the concepts relating to SEO are fairly straightforward, so if you catch someone being secretive, make sure you find out why.

When you are looking to conduct an SEO campaign, unless you are a specialist in the field yourself, you should consider consulting with a professional. A professional who cares about his or her work and is dedicated to making your site a success can easily save you from the blunders that could cost you in time, resources and money which is important to any business.

About The Author

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For Search Engine Optimization, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading suppliers of Search Engine Optimization Campaigns:
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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tips On Choosing A Marketing Company

by: Derek Rogers

When you just cannot do everything yourself it is important to consider hiring a marketing company. A marketing company can help you develop a solid and strategic marketing plan to benefit your business and boost your sales. There are many different things that you must consider before you choose a marketing company. What should you be looking for?

First, you need to make sure that you find a marketing company that can offer you many different services that may be beneficial to your company. This is crucial, but what could be more important than the actual services they offer is their experience and expertise. You want to make sure that you choose a marketing company that is knowledgeable, experienced, and well versed in marketing and perhaps in your specific niche as well.

What services might you want to look for?

You might want to look for a marketing company that offers search engine optimization, pay per click advertising, and internet marketing. If you are doing business on the internet, having a company that understands the workings of internet marketing and business is essential to your success with any marketing company.

Another consideration you might want to make, is what the company offers you to help you choose the right company. For instance, does the company offer you an initial analysis and provides you with recommendations as to which services you and your business might benefit from? This would be a good place to start and can assure you that the marketing company does indeed know what they are doing. This is especially helpful to new business owners who are not quite sure what direction they need to take. With the analysis, you can do your research and determine which concepts are most important to your business.

It is important to avoid certain things. For instance, do not hire any marketing company that offers you unrealistic or unproven guarantees and offers. This may be in the form of helping you achieve a specific ranking within search engines. This would be considered unrealistic because nothing is guaranteed when it comes to ranking. Furthermore, you want to make sure that the company uses legal and honest methods of achieving their success. Ask the company what type of methods they use to gain their results. If they refuse to tell you a general overview of their techniques, this it is generally a good idea to avoid that company.

At the same time, make sure that you avoid any company that does not offer you access to any accounts created under your name or the name of your business. Something that always bears repeating is to make sure that you read and understand any type of contracts or agreements before you sign on the dotted line. This can help you avoid troubles or misunderstandings. If you have any questions about the contract or agreement, be sure to ask them, if the marketing company avoids answering your questions or does not fully answer them, find a new company to work with.

About The Author

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For marketing companies, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading suppliers of marekting:

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Saturday, November 08, 2008

5 Reasons To Use Website Marketing Companies

by: Derek Rogers

Website Marketing Companies provide effective techniques to establish and enhance your online business. When developing a website for your business, your objective is to create an internet presence. This online visual determines long- term success for any web business. Regardless of your choice of internet marketing strategy, your web site must contain powerful content along with a reliable marketing company.

A successful web page promotion campaign can be obtained through an efficient website marketing company. If the website content is relevant and entertaining, it can achieve high ranking within the major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, AOL, MSN, and AltaVista. If your website manages to obtain high listings with at least three of these major engines, you are guaranteed an overflow of targeted traffic. Subsequently, there are several reasons why applying the techniques of these companies will help your small business to be profitable.

It is important that any online business that invests in online marketing companies must devote extensive time and effort to analyze the return on their investment. More so, because a number of online businesses are relatively new, it is recommended that you recruit your marketing strategy and immediately move to the next step of analyzing. Many effective and affordable tools are available to monitor and analyze your sites traffic. The website marketing companies are the best tool to assist you with subsequential evaluation of the ultimate production of your marketing efforts. Specifically, if you are investing a great deal of money into search engines and keyword buys, you need to know which one is meeting your goals.

Search engines may or may not be your greatest source for traffic. Website marketing tools will also track where your traffic is coming from and why. It would be beneficial to attract significant on- ramps from other websites, perhaps relative online companies who are potential business partners. Furthermore, it is important to know if your efforts to generate new customers and sales leads are effective. Website marketing companies can provide tools that can show you who directs the traffic your way while also monitoring your sites most requested pages. They will identify the most common entry pages as well as any exit pages. If your strategy is working effectively, then you can optimize your site to distribute more of the same. In the worst case scenario; you may need to reconstruct your web pages to present something more intriguing or compelling.

Website marketing gurus use tools that enable you to view the actual operating systems that your users may have. This will allow any defects of your site to be revealed. For instance, a website will become defected if a user attempts to link nonexistent or “404” pages to it. It is rewarding to know what your visitors’ viewpoint is regarding your website and business.

Finally, web marketing companies are beneficial as they provide techniques that allow a small business owner to understand their customers and your targeted audience. Any technology associated with the internet that provides a marketing strategy for your small business helps to develop methods to achieve high ranking and enhance the marketing tools that helps you sell your product. Basically, website marketing begins with a well- written and organized website and concludes with a successful web page promotion.

About The Author

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For marketing companies, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading specialists of website marketing companies:
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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

What Is A Search Engine Marketing Company?

by: Derek Rogers

Today, when it comes to popularising a brand around the globe, Internet marketing is what every business owner seeks for leaving behind the traditional methods of marketing like advertisements and promotional methods. With Internet marketing, a business owner can do an online promotion of its products or services on a wider scale by reaching out to both the local and international markets.

Online marketing means popularising one’s brand on the World Wide Web; however, this process is not an easy task with so many competitors standing on the same platform. Behind this popularity there is no one technique that works, rather it is a gradual process and combination of various SEM techniques. So, in order to enjoy the results of a successful business through online marketing, there is a need to hire a professional search engine company.

One of the most important requirements of an online business is to develop a website. A well structured website is crucial for any online business as it is a representation of the company. It is the website which helps a visitor to make an impression about your company, and an effective and attractive website can entice the visitor to transform into a customer. Not only a good website plays its role in SEM, it also needs to be search engine optimised so that it can be seen by the target market. Search engine optimisation includes processes like SEO copywriting, web designing, programming effective coding and link development. These are among the major services of SEO which helps to improve the visibility in the search engine results. The SEO copywriting requires the making of targeted keywords that are commonly put in search engines. In order to find out the targeted keywords, it requires a lot of research, which an SEM company does on its own part. A search engine marketing company knows all the SEO techniques that would help to develop a website and improve the search engine ranking of a website.

A search engine marketing company also offers the services of creating an easily navigable and customer friendly site that would make your target audience glued to your site.

Another most common SEM (search engine marketing) advertising service is Pay-per-click advertising. It is among the most successful advertising techniques in which your ad gets displayed whenever any visitor puts in keywords related to your nature of business in order to seek out information. With your ad reflected on the web page, you become the focus of your target market. A SEM company offers you pay-per-click advertising and helps by finding the most relevant and used keywords for your website.

PFI or pay-for-inclusion services are also offered by a search engine marketing company. With the use of this service, you can make the URL of your site or the web pages get crawled by a search engine spider on a regular basis.

No doubt, the services of a search engine marketing company can definitely guide you to phenomenal growth of your company’s business online, thereby making your brand successful on the online front.

About The Author

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For marketing companies, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading specialists of search engine marketing companies:
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Monday, November 03, 2008

Website Marketing Companies - A Checklist To The Advantages

by: Derek Rogers

The professionals of Website marketing companies help you to provide a good and long-lasting impression online. As people come to your website, they may click away if they do not find your site interesting or full of relevant information. However, website marketing companies are the only solution to this. They help you to ensure more and more people come to your site by marketing your website in different ways.

Today, the biggest factor responsible to achieve success in your business is promotional strategies. Therefore seeking the help of specialised companies for effective internet marketing has become prominent. The website promotional services offered by these companies are most in demand in today’s advertising industry. Their techniques can help you out to attain success in cyber space and can make you known both locally and internationally.

Moreover, around one million web pages are added everyday into the World Wide Web and therefore this has increased the competition on the online front. These promotional companies help you to achieve maximum benefit over other sites by bringing highly targeted traffic to your website.

There are a number of web advertising services that come as the entire solution for all your advertising requirements.

Among the major services are:

Online directory
Search engine submissions
Search Engine Optimisation
Viral marketing
Web linking

While advertising online or in online businesses, the people associated with it should be very careful while selecting a website marketing company to promote their business. Online advertising can prove to be very expensive if you lack experience with website marketing and further, you need to go through a number of advertising campaigns based on “test or trials”. It can be a tiresome and time-taking experience for you to find the best website marketing company for delivering profitable solutions for marketing. For the effective online advertisement, you need to compare every advertising option available on the internet which are dealing in business with website marketing or are great solutions of online media. You may even need to develop a personal relationship with the account manager of the website marketing company you select to meet your purpose. This account manager in the website marketing company will help you deal with your advertising campaigns and will also advise you on its growth. The account manager helps you prepare for the real expected scenario prior to the commencement of all solutions of your website marketing.

It is very simple when thinking of website marketing itself, but when you really need to create a fast effect, it is important for you to consider a managed website company and its strategies. The Web has become an essentially vital source to most of the companies, whether small or large, that none of them want to take any risk in their online appearance. For this reason, getting help from professionals or website marketing companies really proves beneficial to all business organizations.

Choose an experienced website marketing company which would be an efficient and reliable one, entrusting all advertising effort in it to promote your business effectively.

About The Author

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents many UK businesses. For website marketing companies, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading specialists of search engine optimization.
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