Friday, August 29, 2008

Harness Your Mind to Create Prosperity

By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler

Our Overlapping Worlds

We now know beyond a doubt that everything in the known universe -- from the “physical” world, to our innermost thoughts -- is basically energy in motion. Actually our inner “mental” reality and the world’s “outer” reality are an intimately interwoven quantum event. We are participants in an open and dynamic living universe. And we are actually living in two side-by-side overlapping worlds.

Sound strange?

Perhaps. But if you view your thoughts and memories as “energy sources” that exchange energy back and forth with the “external” physical world – you’re right in line with modern quantum physics and neuroscience.

Do you still doubt the impact of your mental energy on the physical world?

Several years ago I had an experience walking on fire (this is real.) The first time across the red-hot 15-foot bed of oak coals, a fist-sized piece stuck to the side of my foot. I knocked it off and rejoined the line. And interestingly, although the coal had “branded” itself into the side of my foot, I had NO burns at the end of the experience.

How We Create Our “Reality”

Today’s PET scans let us “see” the brain actively change and grow with each thought. The power of a thought can no longer be excused lightly as a “metaphysical theory.” Each image of the “outside world” forms and changes your brain on a physical level. From these images our minds then construct what we call “reality.” For example: Our eyes don’t really “see” anything – they simply collect packets of light being reflected off an object. Those packets of light are transmitted into your brain as electronic signals. According to your past experiences, your brain then interprets the signals and tells you what you are “seeing.”t

Scientists are now saying what mystics have claimed for centuries that life is an illusion. The “illusion” is that the world you perceive outside of yourself is actually the world as it really exists. After all, according to science, the “real world” is made up of nothing more than vibrating energy. We now know that each person creates their own version of the world based on their beliefs, expectations, and past history.

“So how does all of this tie in to creating prosperity?” you ask. Just this: Your interpretation of “prosperity” is closely affected by what you imagine, visualize, desire – or fear and reject.

Enter the Mind

Let’s take a look at what “prosperity” really is. Viewed in terms of neuroscience, prosperity is a “mental concept” housed in our physical brain. The “concept” of prosperity lives in the conscious rational portion of your brain. I’m sure you can give an accurate definition of the word “prosperity” without becoming emotionally involved. But when I ask you, “What does prosperity mean to YOU personally,” everything suddenly changes.

In a millisecond your subconscious mind briefly revisits your 2nd grade best friend comparing their family’s new Cadillac to your family’s Ford; or perhaps when you wanted a new bike, but were told to “be realistic” about your family’s financial status. Or being told you would never “be truly prosperous” without becoming a doctor or lawyer Where does this happen? Deep in your subconscious mind. And unfortunately, the subconscious mind does NOT respond to “logical reasoning” about how those old “lessons” no longer apply.

Does YOUR lifestyle fall short of your dreams?

You can be sure your subconscious mind is the source of what holds you back! And the problem is, each time you “revisit” one of those subconscious limiting thoughts, the neural tracts leading to it are physically strengthened!

This is NOT theory. This is hard, observable science!

There is only one way to overcome the subconscious “stuff” that keeps you from creating your ideal lifestyle. You’re going to have to reprogram your neurons (your brain cells) on a physical level It there some “fast and easy” way to do this? Nope! Let’s face it -- if it was, everyone would be living the life of their dreams. But it IS achievable!

Your Brain is Shrinking or Growing We now know that the brain is not the unchanging organ we once thought it was. It is actually “plastic,” and physically changes with each thought or memory. When you think, perceive, remember or learn something -- chemical messengers are sent from one neuron (brain cell) to another. And if you think that “something” frequently, or with intense emotion, the associated neural physically grows in strength. If you cease to think or recall something (like a bad memory), the associated neural pathway begins to physically breakdown – and will eventually even become non-functional. Of course if that bad memory has attached intense emotions, it will take longer.

But there’s something very important to be learned from that! Neuroscientists have found clear evidence that emotion strengthens the neural pathway holding any memory or thought.

Emotion can be a powerful ally in reprogramming your mind!

Harnessing the Power of Focused Thought Harnessing the forces of your mind to create your ideal lifestyle can be a truly exhilarating experience. Assuming you’ve decided you truly want to create the lifestyle you long for, let’s lay out a practice run :

  • It all starts with a decision. That only takes a millisecond of time.
  • Then you take a dramatic step (this one is life-changing). You get real with yourself and ask questions like: “What IS prosperity to ME? Is it a financial state, or does it have less to do with money and more with free time? What am I willing to give up to create a “prosperous” lifestyle? How will this look on a day-to-day basis? What do I have to change to achieve this?”
  • Next you make a commitment to do whatever it takes. The more intense your emotional commitment to create what you want, the faster you’ll get it! That’s why it’s so important to go after what you feel passionate about!
  • Finally, harness the power of focused thought to reprogram your neurons. Here’s an easy tool to begin to reprogram those neurons :

Every morning get a 3x5 card and write a brief statement of your most important dream. Then on the other side list one *specific* thing you will do TODAY to move closer to your dream. This must be real, specific, and achievable today! Put the card in your pocket or purse, and DO that specific thing by the end of the day. In only a month you’ll be astonished at how your life has changed!

© 2004 All Rights Reserved, by Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler, Success Mentor &Pioneering Brainwave Researcher. Get your free subscription to her Personal Mastery ezine at
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Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Secrets of Rapid Manifestation

By Dr. Robert Anthony

A few years ago I discovered a formula that allowed me to bring whatever I desired into my life almost instantly. I call it RAPID MANIFESTATION. Rapid Manifestation is based on the premise that we attract what we vibrate in the PRESENT MOMENT. In other words, what we have in our life is a vibrational match to our present moment awareness. Everything comes to us through the most elemental law of physics – LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE! Like Attracts Like is nothing more than the Law of Attraction. It is absolute and has nothing to do with your personality, your religious beliefs, being a “good” or a “bad” person or anything else. No one lives beyond this Law. It is an irrefutable law of the universe.

You may not have realized until now that this Law applies to your life and every other person’s life on the planet. The Law of Attraction, like all laws, is impartial and impersonal, which means it works when you want it to and when you don’t want it to.

It is important to understand that you are a CREATOR. In fact, you have no choice about whether you are creating because you are ALWAYS creating whether you realize it or not.

However, you do have a choice about WHAT you create. Unfortunately, most creations in people’s lives are by default. This is why most people feel their lives are out of control or that things are “happening” to them.

The reason we feel that things are “happening” to us is because we do not understand how the Law of Attraction works. This causes us to reap results, benefits and disadvantages that we do not understand.

The Law of Attraction is irresistible. All natural laws are irresistible. This includes the law of gravity, electricity or any other law that operates with mathematical exactitude. There is no variation. The law works perfectly EVERY time. Only the channel of distribution may be imperfect. In order to understand how the Law of Attraction and RAPID MANIFESTATION works and how it affects our lives, we need to take a few moments and talk about our creative thought process.

Put simply, every thought that you think has its own energetic vibrational frequency. That thought is impressed into your subconscious mind. Then, through the Law of Attraction it will energetically attract another person, place, thing, or circumstance that has a vibrational match or is vibrating at the same frequency. Every thought is a vibratory pattern. Vibratory patterns tend to resonate with similar vibrations and this resonance initiates the creative process.

Quantum physics has shown that all matter is simply a certain vibratory rate of energy. Matter is attracted to other matter. We call this the Law of Gravity. All energies will gravitate to other energies of the same or similar vibratory rates. All beliefs and thoughts, especially when attached to or accompanied by a strong emotional current, vibrate at a certain frequency or energy. And things, events, people and ideas that vibrate harmoniously with these thoughts will gravitate to them.

Everything is created through energetic vibration. Sound is vibration. Light is vibration. Matter is vibration. Thought is vibration. Emotion is vibration. Everything is vibration. Anything that vibrates at a specific pattern will attract like vibrations. This works on the chemical, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

Once you understand this principle you will realize why you do NOT have the things you desire in your life. Whenever you think about something you do NOT want, you set into motion the vibratory pattern that attracts the very thing you are trying to avoid. The same thing happens if you reach into your past experience and project the negative into your present or future. You will attract more of the same thoughts from other people; more conversation, more evidence, more circumstances and more events that perpetuate this negative thought. Like attracts like. It cannot be avoided. It works the same way for positive or creative thought. Whatever you focus your intention on you attract. In this inclusion based Universe, you attract what you think about, whether you want it or not. And so, if you’re saying “yes” to what you desire, or if you are saying “no” to it – you are still including it in your thoughts. The end result is that which you really WANT, you get - and that which you really DON’T want you get. The Law of Attraction works for both equally as well. The important point is this: The more you struggle against something that you do NOT want, the more you attract it to yourself because you set up RESISTANCE to what you want. It can be summed up in this statement - Whatever you resist will continue to persist. We have been programmed with the mistaken belief that we can get what we want by resisting or defeating what we don’t want. However, that defies the Law of Attraction. Here is what you must know. That which you defend against will become your experience, that which you fear or worry about will become your experience and that which you prepare against will become your experience. What we fail to understand is that the defense against sickness is the cause of it. The defense against poverty is the cause of it. The defense against evil is the cause of it. The defense of being hurt in a relationship is the cause of not having the relationship we desire. As you prepare yourself and guard yourself, and are frightened and worried about anything you do not want, by focusing your attention on it and adding emotion to your thought, you are attracting the very thing you are trying to guard against. The more you try to defend, resist and guard against it, the more you fear it and the more powerful the attraction becomes. However, the good news is if you put yourself in a clear, unrestrained nonresistance state of mind - even for just a few minutes with RAPID MANIFESTATION – allowing what you desire, you only need to relax, and it will come to you. Rather than struggling against illness, relax and allow wellness. Rather than fighting against poverty or not having enough, just relax and allow more to come into your life. This means no more struggle and strain. No more discouragement, doubt, worry and defeat, but a sure and

happy process of creating the life you desire. As you look into your own life experience and see the lack of anything; money, relationships, or whatever you desire, understand that lack exists for only one reason. You have chosen thoughts that are not in harmony with your desire and so you are literally vibrating or attracting what you are getting.

When you understand precisely how everything comes to you, you are also free forever from worry and fear about what others may do to you. You no longer have to worry about the economic conditions, the government, your parents, and all the influences that you fear. The only reason you worry and feel threatened is because you have accepted the belief that if someone else does something that is not in harmony with what you desire it will somehow affect your life. But it cannot come into your life if you do not invite it through the energy of your thoughts, fears and worry.

Nothing is more important than focusing on what you want. That is the mindset that you have to have to be at. In other words, you must stop trying to get rid of things that you don’t want or don’t make you feel good, because you can’t. You can’t make people go away or make them stop thinking or talking about you. You can’t rid the world of terrorists. You can’t rid the world of disease. You can’t get rid of the things that you don’t want. This is an illusion. It has never worked since recorded history and will never work because it violates the Law of Attraction.

RAPID MANIFESTATION helps you to find the Path of Least Resistance to what you desire. As you are reaching, in a determined way, for the Path of Least Resistance, anything that is resistant within you will present itself for you to take a look at. All your fears, doubts, and insecurities will pop up. This is your subconscious resistance based on your past experiences. All you have to do when this happens is to turn your focus in the other direction toward what you want.

As you start focusing on your desire, you become the owner of it, so to speak, without the complication of the details of manifestation. The Universe knows the essence of what you are reaching for and is yielding to you what you really want in the moment that you are able to relax and let go.

If you plant a seed in your garden I am sure you have enough common sense to know that your creation is well underway before you see any physical evidence. It is highly unlikely you will go out to your garden and stomp on the seed you planted and demand that you see results right now! You don’t worry about it, instead, you allow the natural laws of the universe to do their work and the small seed you planted matures into what you desire.

If you look at your life you will see you have planted many wonderful seeds of creation. However, in your impatience, worry or lack of understanding concerning the principles of the creative process you have focused on what you don’t have or don’t want and therefore have destroyed or sabotaged the seeds of your desire. Your desires will come to you at the very best time. You can influence the very best time by releasing your desire and saying, “The Universe knows the bigger picture. I’m going to let it deal with the timing of this. Meanwhile, I’ll just do everything I can to keep focused on what I desire or open myself to SOMETHING BETTER!”

Sometimes you may think there is a shortage of what you desire. That you will not get what you want because someone else will get there first. What you must realize is there is no shortage. If you miss one opportunity, another will open up, then another, then another. Your stream of opportunity never runs out. You don’t have to tire yourself by trying to force things to happen – just enjoy what you have and create more of what you desire.

You must know that Universe supports you in everything that you desire, and that there is nothing that you can identify, whether you articulate it or not, that the Universe with holds from you. All things are given in the moment that you ask and accept. When you are specific about what you want, and you accept the Path of Least Resistance, the Energy flows through you toward your inspired idea – and you will manifest what you desire. However, if you want more than you believe you can achieve, you’re out of balance. And if what you are accepting is less than what you want, you’re out of balance. And so, you have to find your balance.

You must know, believe and understand that you are creating what you call your future in this moment. What you are looking for is balance in your thinking. In other words, living in the present moment while giving thought to something you desire and expecting it. If you desire and expect it, it will be yours. If there is anything that I want you to take away from this is that you do not have to struggle to have what you want. Let the Universe that links everything together (and allows the seed to grow) to take care of the process or the details. When you focus on the end result, you will be guided to the specific people, circumstances, conditions, techniques or strategies in HOW to go about bringing forth your desire. Furthermore, you will KNOW that these people, circumstances, conditions, techniques or strategies are the “right” ones by the way you feel because you will feel positive emotion. RAPID MANIFESTATION is about is accepting that whatever you desire is already yours NOW. Everything is created NOW. If you visualize or think about the future, you will wait longer than necessary to manifest what your desire.

What this technique does is allow you to create in the NOW. It forces you mind to stay in the present while you create what you want. It is an ACTIVE exercise where you are taken through the RAPID MANIFESTATION process. It is short, simple, but extremely powerful.

Since I have learned this technique I have rapidly attracted everything I have ever desired. If you are ready to accept what you desire NOW - RAPID MANIFESTATION can help you to attract it the shortest possible time.

Dr. Robert Anthony is the author of fifteen books, including his million copy best sellers: “The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self Confidence”, “Advanced Formula For Total Success” and “Doing What You Love – Loving What You Do.” The RAPID MANIFESTATION AUDIO PROGRAM is available at

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I’m Thinking...But I’m Not Growing Rich!

By Bob Doyle

So you’ve read “Think and Grow Rich”, and you’ve got an intellectual understanding that you “become what you think about”. You have a list of affirmations about wealth, and you recite them every day.

But you still have no money. Wealth doesn’t seem to be anywhere around. What’s the deal here? According to Napoleon Hill, you ought to be filthy stinkin’ rich, right?

Well, here’s the real deal: If you’re not “Wealth Conscious”, than all this thinking, and all this affirming isn’t going to bring you wealth. Thinking, and affirming are simply actions you’re taking. But they are just PART of the sequence of creating wealth. If you skip the FIRST step, you simply can’t get anywhere.

So what’s the first step? Being.

To attract wealth, you first have to BE wealthy. THEN, you think wealthy thoughts, speak wealthy affirmations, and take wealthy action. “But how can I BE wealthy if I’m NOT wealthy?” you ask. Logical question, but it’s based on the false assumption that you don’t have wealth. You HAVE wealth. You’re simply not aware of it. You have constructed a physical reality that prevents you from experiencing Wealth. This can all be explained with the science of Quantum Physics. So let’s look at some very basic concepts of Quantum Physics that will explain what I’m talking about.

First, you probably are aware - at least on an intellectual level - that at a subatomic level, we, and everything else in the Universe, is Energy. When you break everything down, we’re all made of the same stuff, and we’re all connected. The Universe is just this huge ocean of Energy, vibrating at various frequencies which gives the illusion of individuation. That is, we experience the illusion of separateness from each other, physical objects, and wealth because our “senses” are decoding the Energy around us in such a way as to create our physical reality. This all happens in our thoughts. So, to simplify things quickly here for the sake of time (another illusion), “things” only exist because we observe them. It is in our observing that things come into existence. Without our observing, things are simply “waves” - probabilities of existence. Physicists agree on this.

Our beliefs are a very powerful Energy system in our lives. Our beliefs allow or disallow certain experiences in our lives, including wealth.They make up who we are. We “BE” in the world according to our beliefs. If we are being is “someone who is trying to get wealthy by repeating affirmations”, then THAT is what our reality will be. We will just be TRYING to get wealthy.

We have to make the decision that we ARE wealthy, contrary to any external physical evidence. That evidence is an illusion based on the belief systems that have guided who we have been being up to that point. A truly wealthy person isn’t wealthy because they have money. They have money, because they are wealthy! That’s the distinction that most people have backward!

Here’s an example to illustrate what I mean :

Tony Robbins became a millionaire at a very young age. Then, due to a series of poor judgments, he lost it. But within a year, he had it back. How did he do this? HE NEVER LOST HIS WEALTH. He only lost his money, which is just a symbol of wealth! Because he is “Wealth Conscious”, he literally “magnetically attracts” wealth into his life. He truly can’t help it! It’s who he is! And there are thousand out there like him, who attract wealth simply because it’s who they are. You can make the same decision and have the same results.

Conversely, a person who has grown up with “lack consciousness” can win millions in the lottery and lose it within a year. Their consciousness - their ENERGY - simply can’t maintain the attraction to Wealth because they aren’t “wealthy” in who they are being.

But again, Wealth is a decision. If you aren’t currently experiencing wealth, you first need to realize that abundance is fact it’s all there is. Poverty and lack are the illusions. You can shift your consciousness to Wealth - BE Wealth - by simply making the decision, THEN your thoughts, speech, and action will allow you to experience the wealth that is yours!

This is indeed a complex subject which challenges our core belief systems. But it is those very belief systems that keep a person in a state of lack.

Look at your financial situation today. Look at your core beliefs about Wealth and You, and see if your life isn’t a PERFECT reflection of your beliefs. Then, look where those beliefs may have originated. When you can awaken to yourself that your beliefs create your reality, rather than the other way around, you have the option to truly be free to experience a reality of prosperity that you deserve!

Bob Doyle is the CEO and founder of Boundless Living and the developer of the “Wealth Beyond Reason” program, which provides a continuing education of the physics of wealth, abundance, and joyous living through the Law of Attraction. Learn more here :

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