How The One Minute Millionaire System Is Organized
This is not a typical book. In fact, it’s two books in one—a nonfiction book, which you’re reading now, and a novel, which we’ll get to shortly. You may be wondering why we designed such an unusual hybrid. After having coached tens of thousands of people to financial success, we’ve learned that people have different learning styles. Generally, they are either “artists” or “engineers.” The artists among you are right-brain “visual” learners. You engineers are left-brain “logical” learners. By using both learning styles, we drive the message home more powerfully. Instead of just “informing” you, we want you to be “transformed.” Therefore, after these few introductory pages, the book will be divided into distinctly different left- and right-side pages. The right-side pages will tell the fictional tale of a single mother, Michelle Ericksen, who is faced with a terrible dilemma. She needs to earn a million dollars in 90 days in order to reclaim her two children. Could you make a million if your loved ones’ lives depended on it? The right-side pages are meant to represent the “right brain” of wealth—the drama of the struggle between our dreams and our fears.
We hope you will get swept up in the story of Michelle. Put yourself in her shoes—imagine what you would do in her place. How would you handle the challenges she faces? Then imagine taking the place of Michelle’s wise guide, Samantha—Sam, for short—and notice what advice you would want to give Michelle. How would you help her cope with her fears? Overcome her oppressive obstacles? What wisdom would you share?
The left-side pages are organized into nonfiction Millionaire Minutes—stand-alone lessons condensed into one- or two-page digests. These form the actual step-by-step guide for becoming an Enlightened Millionaire in a short period of time. The Millionaire Minutes are divided into distinct modules, which parallel the lessons that Sam imparts and the practices that Michelle comes to embrace.
You’ll notice that throughout the novel on the right-side pages certain words and phrases are highlighted, with page numbers in superscript. These page numbers refer you back to the left-side Millionaire Minutes. In the novel you’ll see these lessons in action; on the nonfiction side of the book, you can review your grasp of these concepts or, if you read the
novel first, you can learn about them for the first time. It doesn’t matter if you read the novel or the nonfiction material first. Read them in the order that naturally appeals to you.
As your mentors, we have used and taught these ideas to tens of thousands of people (in different formats) with great success. Each Millionaire Minute lesson builds on the earlier ones. We also encourage you to follow each stand-alone lesson with a visit to, our website, for a free One Minute Millionaire exercise
designed to deepen your understanding of what is being taught in the particular lesson.
Now, let’s find out whether you’re an artist or an engineer. On the next two pages, the process of becoming a millionaire can be summarized in two different ways. Although both approaches contain essential steps whether you’re an artist-learner or an engineer-learner, which particular way resonates with you?
Author Of Nothing Down, The Enlightened Way To Wealth, Mark Victor Hansen, Coauthor of chicken soup for the soul, ROBERT G ALLEN.
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